PAEAonline Account Setup
PAEA has their own assessment platform for PAEA exams including PACKRAT, End of Rotation exams (EOREs), and End of Curriculum exams (EOC).
Once an exam is scheduled students will receive an email from asking them to confirm their account for the PAEA Assessment Hub. PAEA will be sending these out in waves. If a student does not received a confirmation message please contact the PA Program Administrator. This website ( will be used to review and download score reports. Please note that the link will expire in five days from when it is received.
Here are the password requirements:
- More than six characters
- Contain at least one letter, number, and non-alphanumeric character
- Case sensitive, containing one upper-case and one lower-case letter
When students click the link, they will also be asked to agree to the PAEA Student Terms of Service. This agreement outlines responsibility to secure accounts, as well as the terms and conditions of taking PAEA exams—confidentiality of content and taking the exam honestly. These are an agreement with PAEA in addition to our program’s requirements for academic integrity. Students are required to review these terms and agree to them before they can confirm their account.